Thursday, November 17, 2011

My New Job

I just got permission to show off baby Luke on my blog.  I got to keep him for two mornings this week, and he has been sooo sweet.  He is such a good baby and just tooo precious.  (Why does gushing come so easily when you're talking about babies?)  Let's see...I'll start with a few from the hospital because I can't resist.

Look at the size of those hands!
He'll be a ball player for least, that's what everyone
said about the size of James' hands when he was born.

Sweet feet

And here's my favorite picture from this past Tuesday:

Isn't he a doll?

Today we had a little photo shoot in my studio...
a.k.a my closet.  

I have a really big window there that lets in a lot of light,
and Luke's mama needed some Christmas card pictures.

And then Luke said, "I'm done.  Please give me my bottle now."
And I did because I'm a good babysitter. 


  1. Oh my! This is the first time I have seen Mr. Luke! He is soooo beautiful! Please hug Luke's mama for me... and Luke, too.

  2. Wow, what a precious little boy! I agree - he IS beautiful! And you really are a wonderful photographer, sweet Lynn. (and babysitter, of course. :) What a blessing to Luke & his parents.) Love you all

  3. I will pass along your sentiments to Luke's mama and give her your hug with pleasure. It has been such a joy to take care of Luke.
