Monday, November 21, 2011

A Little Bit of our Weekend

Friday I began designing a Christmas card for our family, and I decided Saturday morning that I needed a family picture to work around. How hard could this be?  We'll just pack up the tripod, go outside somewhere and snap off a few pictures, and we'll be sure to get one cute one, right?  

It always takes longer to do things when children are involved, though, and this was no exception.  Everyone had to get dressed and find the perfect thing to wear.  Diapers, wipes, snacks, drinks, and camera equipment all had to be packed in the car.  We finally made it out the door and drove up the road to a state park.  We let the kids play a little while on the playground.  

James climbed up the extremely tall slide with no hesitation.

But would you expect anything less of him?

His bravery gave Ella increased confidence,
and she agreed to go down the slide with Daddy, too.

She's beautiful.

We took a few pictures beside the lake, and they were okay.  We all have extremely wind-blown hair.  James played contentedly in the dirt with a stick the entire time and never ventured a glance at the water once UNTIL (of course there is an "until.")... UNTIL we took our eyes off him for a moment so I could show KJ the pictures we had just snapped.  Plop.  

I looked over, "James is in the lake!"  Now, don't freak out, Mom.  It wasn't deep.  The water washed over the shore kind of like at the ocean.  He didn't technically fall in; it was more like he stepped in and tripped.  We reached him as he was standing up, looking slightly confused as to what he'd gotten himself into, but isn't that always the way with James?  He is full-speed ahead until he hits something, like yesterday at church, running happily through the gym with abandon until...smack.  Busted lip.  Am I going to survive this child?

KJ scooped him up out of the water and insisted I take his picture.  I didn't really want to because I felt like a horrible mother for taking my eyes off him, giving him the opportunity to fall in the lake.  But the story is going down as one of James' most famous exploits thus far

As it was so windy, we packed up and headed home.  KJ took James' wet clothes off and put him in his undershirt.  He's the most adorable little boy, though he does find trouble so easily.


  1. First of all, K.J. and the kids looked wonderful. I know you did, too; I guess I'll just have to wait for the Christmas card to see you :)

    And, James . . . what a dear boy. I enjoyed so reading of your recounting of his incidents. You'll survive, and be much more . . . (well, you know it'll be something more sanctified) because of it all!

    I love you.
