Friday, May 6, 2011

Dropping a Nap

In addendum to something I wrote in my previous post, I really don't think one nap is cutting it for James after all.  It is 10:03 a.m., and he is only beginning to stir in his room.  The past couple of days have been really hard on him.  He is able to stay awake longer, which is making two naps be at rather awkward times, but he is not sleeping long enough for one nap to be enough.  Yesterday I put him down a little after noon, hoping he would sleep at least two hours, but he woke at 1:35.  He was so dreadfully tired that I let him take a short nap from 4:30-5:30 p.m. and put him to bed closer to 9:00 last night.  I thought he would wake up around 8:00, but no.  Here we are at 10:00.  Poor boy.  

I sent Ella off with KJ this morning to help pack bags for tornado victims at the school with a friend.  It was really kind of fun sending her off, and with James napping it's been a quiet morning.  Maybe starting school wouldn't be so bad after all.  :)  It would make me miss her and be really glad when she came home again.  There's James wake-up call.  Time to run.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing. I felt like we just had a chat :)
