Sunday, September 5, 2010

Fun With the Girls

Today I had the pleasure of spending the morning with two very fun little girls.

I took Ella and Raine to a birthday party across town, and it was a special treat to listen to their conversation.  This was my first time to take Ella on a day outing with another girl close to her age, and I look forward to doing it over and over again in the coming years.  They were very sweet and polite to each other during the ride (reminding me of Anne and Diana when Diana came to tea) and had a lot of fun at the party, too.

Enjoying cake with London
(On a side note, I realized tonight that in the rush to pick up Raine and get to the party, I didn't fix Ella any breakfast.  She had cake for brunch, I guess.)

The girls really enjoyed playing in the Ramos's backyard.  It was a beautiful morning, and I was so thankful for the cold front that made it a pleasant experience to be outside again.

Ella and Raine were having so much fun together (and I was having so much fun being with them) that I called and got permission to take them out to lunch.  They split a kid's meal and played on the playground at Chick-Fil-A and were in every way a delight.

It was a joy to be with these precious girls today, and the rest of the day was just as refreshing.  Life seemed full of many blessings.  I am thankful for Christian friends and community and for two precious little girls who are having seeds of faith planted in them everyday.  

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