Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Unexpected

I was awakened out of a sound sleep this morning at 4:15 a.m.  Ella was at KJ's side saying that her ear hurt and she needed to go to the bathroom.  She was also hot, she said.  I let her go to the bathroom, checked her ears, gave her some water and ibuprofen just in case something was wrong and put her back to bed.  She told me this morning that she went back to sleep quickly.  I was glad because she had to go back to school today.  I, on the other hand, did not go back to sleep.  

At 6:30 my alarm rang (or should I say sang since I was using a cell phone?), and I crawled out of bed in a fog, trying to accept what God had ordained without becoming bitter over my lack of sleep.  As I stumbled into the kitchen to find something caffeinated, I heard James whimpering in his room.  It was early for him to be awake, and when I lifted him out of his bed I said, "Oh, no...".  He was hot with fever.  I took his temperature, and 101.3 earned him some ibuprofen as well.  It was hard getting Ella up and going.  She was sleeping hard, but when it came down to it, she was excited about going back to school and cheerfully ate and dressed quickly.  I was thankful for that.

So day 2 of my job is postponed, and I'm so thankful to my mother-in-law for stepping in on that front.  James temperature has soared to 103 for the second time in a month, and I am so sad for him.  He is drinking and ate something this morning so for that, too, I give thanks.  And though I didn't think I needed it, I'm receiving a low-key day with gratefulness.  It just dawned on me that perhaps I should take a nap, but if I nap now when will I exercise?  Maybe when KJ brings Ella home...perhaps a nap will be in my future after all.  

In the meantime, I've been reading online photography tutorials and picking different pictures to try new things on.  Here are the results of my work thus far:

That's C.S. Lewis' grave in the foreground.

Two cool dudes at KJ's birthday party
Our friend Jeffrey actually took this picture, I think.

Unexpected as this day has turned out, I am enjoying the quiet.  Do pray for James' fever to go down, though.  I really don't like it when it gets this high.


  1. It's quite normal I hear. Not that it makes you feel any better. But my doctor always says, "As long as they are eating, drinking, and playing, they are fine."

  2. I am glad to hear it's normal! It came down in the early afternoon, and I'll see how he's doing today. By last night he was much perkier and pretty normal.
