Sunday, August 29, 2010

Feeling Blessed

I was able to attend a women's retreat this weekend with ladies from  my church, and my heart was very encouraged by all of the sound teaching I received.  We watched the dvd's from a True Woman Conference some ladies in our church attended this past March, and the messages were such a blessing.  It is always so good to have my heart reoriented and refocused on God's Word, especially on His design for me as a woman, wife, and mother.  I know I make lists a lot in my blog posts, but they are an easy way for me to organize my thoughts since I don't have the time to write a three-point essay.  So, here are some things I am thinking about tonight after an intense time of Bible study and coming back home to my family.

  • I really love my husband!  The best part for me was coming home and re-telling all I heard and learned to KJ.  (Why do females feel the urge to do that?)  For me, I just love sharing everything with him.  He truly is my best friend who knows me better than anyone, and it has been a joy to have good conversation this evening.
  • I need to do a better job of talking to ladies I don't know well in my church.  Everyone has a back-story to tell (something I learned from watching LOST), and I do not do well with wanting to make new friends and take the time to get to know a stranger.  I'm always glad once the new friends are made, but going up to a stranger in a crowd of people and trying to get to know them is not my favorite thing.  I tend to just like my old friends.  But my old friends were new friends once...  :)
  • My children really do need me!  I know that is true, but it was especially brought home to my heart after hearing a letter read by Nancy Leigh DeMoss written to her by a young man whose mother consistently chose other things for her life besides spending time with her children.  I'm glad Ella and James need me.  Ella tells me frequently that she wants to be just like me.  
  • Men and women were created to reflect God's image in different ways.  I know that may seem obvious, but I am constantly in need of that reminder in a world where the role of gender becomes so confused.  It gives me new confidence and joy in my pursuit of loving my husband and children in a way that honors God, knowing that my work is quite valuable in His sight.
  • God's grace is sufficient through every trial He marks out for our lives.  I was so encouraged by the various testimonies given by speakers of God's sufficient grace.  No one enjoys going through trials, but I do love learning to know God better walking through those trials.  Or, as the writer of Hebrews put it, "For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it."
  • I really love studying God's Word.  In-depth Bible study has slowly crept out of my life in the past year.  But the first year of James' life is coming to a close, and there will be more sleep and more time in my future for that pursuit again (I hope!).  
  • I really love my kids.  They are the best.  It was a joy to come home to them.  To be greeted by James (who was absolutely fine with KJ but so glad to see me come in the door) and Ella and see their dear childish faces brings joy to my heart.  My favorite moment tonight?  James drinking bathwater out of his cup in the tub.  Don't worry, it was before the soap was added.  He has just learned a new skill, and there was no stopping him.  He's adorable.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm so thankful for the refreshment and encouragement you received this weekend!
