Friday, October 28, 2011

Fall Festivities

Oh, how glad I am that it's Friday!  It has been a bit busy since we arrived home.  With jet lag and homework and lots of after-school activities, it will be so nice to not have to worry about anything when Ella comes home from school today.  We love spending time with people, but it  will be good for there to be no rushing about tonight.  We just need some time to be at home together.  

I think the flurry of activities at school this week have prevented nap time in Ella's class the past couple of days.  This hasn't been good for Ella because the past two nights we've had church and then a fall festival and Bible study.  She's gone to bed crying from exhaustion both nights, and it hurts my mother's heart.  I don't want her to be that tired.  Something must have made James very tired, as well, because he is still sleeping at 8:30.  This is unusual.  He went to bed at 7:50 last night.  

There are three events on the schedule for Saturday, but I think we're going to work it where each child only goes out once.  It's easier for them that way.  

And though she was completely done-in by the time we got home last night, Ella did have some first-time experiences, her first time to pet animals at a petting zoo (I don't think she would have done that without the encouragement of a friend), her first hay ride, and her first pony ride.  She was adorable and the cutest Minnie Mouse ever.

Her spirits seemed much improved this morning after 11 hours of sleep.  She is very excited about the weekend, too, though.  She has been asking about when her "day off" was since KJ and I came home Monday night.

I suppose I'm going to check in on James.  I did hear him cry briefly about 6:30.  He must have fallen back into a deep sleep after that.  Happy weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, beautiful Ella. I'm so honored to know and love "the cutest Minnie Mouse ever"!
