Thursday, February 10, 2011


Today I downloaded and installed (I was so proud of myself) some new actions to use on Photoshop Elements.  (Don't worry if you don't know what I'm talking about, because I didn't know either before this morning.)  But I spent most of the day playing around with them.  Here are a few results of my spare time today.


  1. I think its so great how much pleasure you get out of editing pictures and cutting videos :) It really puts a smile on my face, Lynn.

  2. says the filmmaker.

    Nice vignetting on Jesse and Sandy, Lynn!

    The one of just Ella is my favorite.

  3. Ha, I'm writing my paper on Jameson's computer bc mine is dead and I'm cordless this weekend. So the previous comment was by me, not Jamis. Though he'd agree with me of course.
