Wednesday, August 21, 2013

On Taking "too many" Pictures

It's that time of year where I make birthday videos.  With the kids birthdays only one month a part, I'm delving through pictures and video from the past year from now until October 1, and it's making me so thankful for pictures.  They memorialize moments in time that would otherwise get lost in the shuffle.  

I remember that I took a road trip with the kids without KJ up to North Carolina last October, but seeing this picture this morning brought back so many more details and all the feelings of that autumn morning.

This picture made me remember the way the mist was rising and the canopy of leaves we drove under and my thankfulness for getting to be in one of my favorite places even just for one night.  

And this night of hanging out with cousins would probably be completely forgotten if it weren't for pictures.  I don't think I would have remembered this fun little night of pizza and sword fights.  John David was totally getting ganged up on, but I don't think he minded.

The one million pictures you leave behind for your grandchildren may be overwhelming, but they won't be sorry to have them.  Not one bit.


  1. I totally agree, sweet Lynn; not sorry at all.

    Thank you for sharing these to revive memories of my own, and thank you SO MUCH for being SUPERMOM & making that looooong venture up north to bless us. What a precious time!

    Can't wait to make more memories together before long. (and, of course, we can't wait to see those annually-anticipated birthday videos!)

    1. It was my pleasure! It was such a fun adventure.
