Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Centennial Celebration

We went home over the weekend to join my family in the 100th anniversary of my home church.  It was a very special time, and I am always thankful when I go home for all the people who have invested in me and been faithful to the gospel year upon year.  It is good to see familiar faces who are still there.  

I wasn't able to take as many pictures as I would have liked on Sunday.  There were a lot of people, and parenting and making sure James didn't slip out the door took up a lot of my attention, but I took a few Saturday at the Centennial Picnic.  KJ did an amazing job preaching that night, and I got to meet a best friend's first-born daughter.  Ella was a big helper to Debbo in the kitchen, wrapping barbecue sandwiches and putting silverware away.  It was a wonderful weekend.


  1. What a special celebration! I'm so thankful you guys were able to be such a special part of it.

  2. Where shall a man find sweetness to surpass his own home? Love you dear girl, and wish our time hadn't been so brief! Corey and I were very encouraged to hear KJ bringing the Word.
