Wednesday, April 4, 2012


KJ informed me that there are people waiting and longing for a new blog post from me.  I think he means that he is.  I told him I had been thinking a lot of things recently, but they seemed too private to just throw out on the internet, so I wasn't sure what I would write.  He said, "Write about how great your husband is."  Okay.  Off the top of my head...

KJ willingly and graciously, and because he knew I would enjoy being lost in a story, gave me all of Saturday afternoon to read The Hunger Games.  I know I'm behind in just now reading it, but I just hadn't gotten around to it, and sometimes I resist fads.  But it was definitely the kind of book that you can't put down and that you spend several hours reading, and say to your husband, "I don't know if I can stop to make supper," and if he's really wonderful like mine he says, "I'll take care of supper" and comes in to give you kisses and smile at you while you read.  KJ is great like that.  That's a small taste of how he loves me.

In other news, my wonderful and beautiful 22-inch monitor computer is alive again.  We've had a lot of stuff broken lately, but it serves to make us more grateful for what we have when it is repaired.  It is really hard to edit pictures on a 10-inch monitor.  It is also fun to ponder the ways of God and how He controls the threads of our lives.  The church member who has been helping us save our hard drive's contents works at the University and has a graduate student from China working for him.  Justin very kindly brought over the disc we needed to re-load Windows 7 last night, and we were able to share a meal together and make a new friend.

Yesterday afternoon I moved an old desk that was in James' room out to the living room to put the computer on it, and I am quite enjoying it.  I turned on re-runs of a television show I'd seen before and joyfully edited some pictures on the big screen.  

my brother, sister-in-law, and their dog, Harvey

I'm looking forward to some more time at the computer this afternoon.  

Last night we brought out the Resurrection Eggs for family time.  It was so special opening one each night with Ella last year, and I knew James would be excited about participating this year.  We've planned it where they each get to open one every night until Easter morning.  James really enjoyed it too much.  He was ready to open all the eggs and cried and cried when I put them up so he could go to bed.  Poor guy.

Ta-da! There's your blog post, KJ dear.  Now I'm off to have a productive morning looking to the ways of my household.  

Here are some pictures of our first night opening Resurrection Eggs last year.  In looking up that post I remembered another piece of important information.  We got our internet speed upped for a reduced price!!  Looking for an old bog post has never happened to quickly...

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