Thursday, June 30, 2011

She talks like me.

Ella and I had a funny conversation yesterday.  She was playing some games on Preschool Disney's website, and she uncovered a picture of Cinderella's castle.

Ella:  I wish we could go to Disney World again.
Me:  Me, too.
Ella:  It's so beautiful there, and it's so fun.  
Me:  You're right; it is.
Ella:  You don't have to worry about anything when you're at Disney World.

She's right, isn't she?  You don't have to worry about ANYTHING when you're at Disney World. What's funny about this conversation is that it came not long after I was thinking about someone I knew who was at Disney World and wishing it wasn't such a long way and such a big ordeal to get there, because it really IS beautiful and fun.  

KJ laughed when I told him about this conversation, because it sounds like something I would have said.  I speak in absolutes a lot (and yes, I know that only a Sith deals in absolutes).  "Anything, everything, all the time, never, always..."  They come out of my mouth constantly, even as I laugh at myself now when they do.  Oh, here's another Ella quote from the past week:

"Take that picture of the clouds, Mommy.  That will be the best picture ever."

Did you catch those absolutes?  At least she uses them in a positive sense.  Will watching my daughter grow up always cause an ache in my heart?