Friday, July 16, 2010

Favorite Fridays

Here are some of my favorite moments with my children from this past week in no particular order:

  • Story time at the library- I was able to take the kids to preschool story time at the library Tuesday morning.  It is such a great program.  They sing songs, read stories (of course), dance, play in the bubbles, and make a craft.  My favorite moment from this week was when James crawled out of my lap and crawled up to sit by Ella and listen to the story.  He was so cute.

Doing the Twist

  • Sharing apples- I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

  • Going to Sam's with Ella last night- It's not often that we get to do things alone together anymore, so it was so much fun to go out just us girls.  We waved good-bye to the boys, Ella grabbed her purse with a brush tucked safely inside, and we were off.  She was excited to go to Sam's for the first time.  We sang "Princess Songs" on the way, and she brushed her hair in the parking lot before we went inside and a couple of times inside the store.  She helped unload all our items on to the counter when it was over and didn't cry when I hit her toe with the buggy.  Ouch!
  • James eating his band-aids- James had his 9-month check-up yesterday and had to get two shots.  Later on in the evening he was left alone for a couple of minutes, and when KJ went to retrieve him, saw that he was chewing on something.  Upon doing the finger sweep he found that James had pulled his band-aids off his little fat thigh and was trying to eat them.  Thankfully, nothing was actually ingested.
  • Ella quote of the day- We were playing a memory game on  (very fun!).  I always comment on what a good memory Ella has.  She plays Memory better than I do.  When I said something this morning she said, "I just think."  Ohhh, that's her secret.  Thinking.  Who knew?