Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Cute Children

James has been pulling up on everything since about 5 days after learning to crawl, but until yesterday he had never pulled up in the crib. I guess I go in his room pretty quickly after he wakes up, so he's not had a reason or chance to try.  But when Ella and I went in his room to get him after his morning nap yesterday, he stood up to greet us.  He is such a big boy.

KJ took me to lunch yesterday, and Mama T and John David came over to play with Ella and James.  Ella and John David had a great time playing Toy Story, Memory and other make-believe games with each other.  When I came home they were both cackling while watching old cartoons on television (Yogi Bear, Huckleberry Hound).  I got a couple of pictures of their infectious smiles.