Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 8 - End of the Week

I don't really have any blogging inspiration tonight, but the kids are in bed, and I wanted to post some pictures for KJ.  He really enjoys and appreciates getting to see us and what we are doing while he is away.

This morning April Hollingsworth came over with Raine and Seth to play.  Raine and Ella had a good time playing together for the most part.  It reminded me that I need to give Ella a chance to play with other children more often so that she can learn all the rules of social engagement.  She had a few meltdowns when Raine didn't play the way she wanted her to play.  She recovered pretty quickly each time, and Raine was very sweet about it.  The thought just occurred to me that we never stop learning how to interact with people.  I do and say things all the time when I get together with others that I wish I hadn't done or said.  Oh, well.  Ella is only just embarking on her life adventure of learning to play well with others.

Ella and Raine eating lunch

Sweet Seth

Other than our morning visit we didn't do anything exciting or go anywhere today.  The kids played well together this morning in Ella's room while I was cleaning.  They both enjoyed the cash register.  James enjoyed the plastic food.

Ella helped me fold the laundry this afternoon. She's quite adept at towels, bath cloths, and other sundry items.  

I guess that is the extent of our activity today.  The children are now nestled snug in their beds (I hope.), and I need to exercise and wash a few dishes.  I always have a hard time deciding what to do with my time at night because there are so many things I find enjoyable.  I could read, work out, clean, watch television, watch a movie and iron, study.  There are so many good and productive things to do but only a couple of hours to call my own at the end of the day.  This might be the most humdrum post I've written all week.  My apologies.  

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy "humdrum" posts. And if I bring "a little joy into your humdrum life, it ain't been in vain for nothing." :) I will be glad to be back and be a part of it.

    Much Love,

