Friday, April 20, 2018

Friday Favorites, vol. iii

1.  the arrival of friends

I'm meeting Lua at the bus stop in just a couple of hours.  She's on the last leg of getting her visa for the U.S. and finally being able to join her husband there permanently.  This has been a hard season for these two, but it's also had some unique opportunities.  We're so happy and grateful we get to have Lua around to help us and be a blessing to EIC for a few months!

2.  finding an amazing second-hand English bookstore

I loved all the second-hand bookshops in England, and while there are a few places to find English books in Paris, I never even thought to look for a treasure such as this:

There was a mixture of old books mixed with new, and the prices weren't super-cheap because it is Paris, but thank you so much, oh, Canadians who opened this store!  It was so fun to climb through the shelves.

3.  sun, sun, sun

How long will we remain so grateful for sun?  I'm not sure, but I still feel the need to run outside when it appears!

Cheers to the weekend!

"There is an enthusiasm in the Godhead, 
and there is enthusiasm in creation...
This infinite God is enjoying Himself.  
Somebody is having a good time in heaven 
and earth and sea and sky. 
 Somebody is painting the sky.  
Somebody is making trees to grow...
causing the ice to melt...and the fish to swim
and the birds to sing...
Somebody's running the universe."
- A.W. Tozer -

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