Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love, Love, Love

Ella is experiencing her first school Valentine's Day party right now as I write.  It was so sweet watching her carefully write the names of her classmates on little cards.  She was also very thoughtful picking them out; she didn't want to pass out Princess cards to little boys, so we picked out cards we thought could be enjoyed by both sexes. She's the most precious girl of them all.

We attempted a "Valentine" photo shoot a couple of Saturdays ago that didn't go quite as I planned, mostly because we had some unexpected company show up in the form of neighborhood friends.  Maybe we'll try again today.  Here are a couple of the kids with their "haa-t" suckers (as James says).

I also took a few of Luke with a red background.  Happy Valentine's Day, Mama.

I'm so thankful for the love of my life today, who saw me looking distressed late yesterday afternoon and when learning that it was because I wanted to exercise but didn't think I had time to do it before I made dinner said, "Do it.  Go do it.  I've got the kids and dinner."  

I'm thankful for how afterwards he said, "Go ahead and get a shower.  I'll bathe both the kids."

I'm thankful for how he took care of pajamas and listened to Ella's reading so I could run to Wal-Mart and pick up diapers and sinus medicine.

(FYI:  Don't ever mention to the pharmacist that you're picking up meds for your husband because now it's a state law that you can only buy it for yourself.  I've discovered I disapprove of pointless laws.  This happened to me a couple of days ago, so last night KJ said, "Just keep your head down, and buy the drugs.  Don't say who they're for." I disapprove of laws written for irresponsible people that keep responsible people from living freely.)

But getting back to thankfulness...it made me happy to come home and find my family like this.

all clean and sweet and having family time

Also, I'd just like to mention that James said "Yes" for the first time today.  He has twice today answered appropriately with yes.  I've observed that "No" is always the only answer kids give for a while.  I guess because it's easier to say, and most of the time much more fun.  But this morning..."Do you want the car?"  "Yes."  "What did you say?  Yes??"  "Yes."  

Just now..."James, did you go poo-poo?"  (Sorry for the potty language, KJ.  This is my life.)


James has never answered that question with a yes before this morning.  Hooray for yeses!! 


  1. Just keep your head down and buy the drugs.

    Ha! Lynn Pugh! Lawbreaker! You make me laugh, friend.

    I love you, I miss you.

    1. First, let me say that this is the first time the "Reply" button has worked for me. Yay! Second, I know! I almost wrote that laws that easy to break probably shouldn't be laws, but then I thought there might be some good laws that were also easy to break. Oh, well. Love you and miss you, too. Hope you've had a day full of love.

    2. I had a good laugh at that too!
      Just keep your head down and buy the drugs.
      I had to repeat it to my husband and we had a good laugh!
      So thankful you had "me" time. What a great husband you have!

      PS Jack has those same pajamas.

    3. He IS great. :) I think this is the last season for footie pajamas for James. :(
