Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I could write volumes on how different it is having a baby boy versus a baby girl.  One of the differences is how excited James gets about climbing stairs.  We had stairs in our townhouse when Ella was James' age, and KJ taught her how to climb up and down them safely, which she did well.  But she didn't get as excited about the prospect of a good climb like James does.  Neither did she think it was the most fun ever to climb up then down again and repeat the process ad infinitum.

Yesterday we put all the Christmas decorations back in boxes, and KJ pulled down the ladder to the attic to take them all up.  James has never been awake to see this done before, and he could not believe his good fortune.  Not just stairs, but a ladder in his very own house.  Up he went.  I was quite impressed with how high he was able to climb a ladder all by himself.  I'm pretty sure he would have made it to the top if we had let him.  He expressed his delight with continuous conversation the whole time he perched on the ladder, hollering up at the hole in the ceiling.  Ella always likes to climb up the ladder when KJ pulls it down, too, so of course, I have pictures.

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