Friday, March 29, 2013

One of those Perfect Days

Yesterday I wrote about how much we all loved Thursdays, not knowing just how great of a Thursday yesterday would turn out to be.  It was so good I had to remind myself approximately 100 times that it wasn't Saturday.  That good.

This week, in general, has been much quieter and slower-paced than last week.  Last week there was much busy-ness and running around spending time with cousins, getting ready for Easter weekend, and traveling to Mobile.  We haven't taken a break from school this week, but it's kind of felt like Spring Break for us, too.  

I got up early with the kids yesterday, letting KJ sleep in a little.  I was tired after a late night with some of our college students, but I'm such a good wife like that.  Oddly enough, despite my self-sacrifices as a mother, the kids cheered when KJ got up.  Go figure.  But he deserves his praise.  He taught Ella and did all her school-work with her while I browsed Amazon for new music and went for a 45-minute jog.  There was a shower and lunch, reading and game-playing, egg-dying with Ella, and the termite man came to renew our termite bond.

 After James' nap we all got dressed in our Easter duds for a quick photo-shoot in the backyard.  I had wanted this to be low-stress experience, take some good portraits of the kids, get a family shot.  Things didn't look good for us starting out.  KJ got a call, and he had to be up at the church to get things situated for Secret Church tonight, so there was a time crunch, and James walked out the door crying and wailing about the cuffs on his button-down shirt.  But then, somehow, amidst the tears and commotion, we got some really wonderful pictures and a family shot that, in our own opinion, and maybe because it's our own little family, we think is pretty perfect.  It looks perfect, but that's why I share about the craziness of the experience because, trying to take a picture of your whole family is never perfect.

  Behind the Scenes captured by KJ
After pictures, KJ ran out, and I hid and found Easter eggs with James several times, we ate supper, more reading, washing the dishes, practicing French (I can now ask, "At what time?"), and it was just a really nice day.

1 comment:

  1. you are really an amazing young lady,,,,the pics are great,,james is a natural,,,,,
