Wednesday, November 7, 2012

This Week's View

KJ is preaching a revival for a friend's church this week, and thanks to the generosity of some friends of the Pugh family, the kids and I got to come along, too.  They've allowed us to stay at their house on the lake only 25 minutes from where KJ is preaching.  It is beautiful with everything we could need, and the fall color is gorgeous.  I've seen 5 deer and a coyote driving to and from town, and oh those trees!  Our location has also enabled us to visit with my grandmother and KJ's brother and his wife and son, so we have been busy.  We're so thankful for all the family visits this week.

The time change has been a bit hard.  For the kids, naptime and bedtime are coming later, and I've been waking up at 5:30.  I was happy this morning that I managed to sleep until 6 a.m., so I'm adjusting!  I woke up just in time to see the sun starting to peek over the horizon.  I rushed out, thankful that my extra sleep didn't cause me to miss this.

 "While the earth remains,
Seedtime and harvest,
And cold and heat,
And  summer and winter,
And day and night
shall not cease."
- Genesis 6:22 -

A sunrise always brings refreshment to my heart.  We're getting dressed in coordinating colors today and attempting a Christmas card picture.  Then we'll be hanging out with KJ's friend and his family before we head into town for the last night of revival.  KJ's done a great job.  Last night James continued to introduce himself as Mario Pugh, and Ella's gum fell out of her mouth (?) into her hair just as we started singing the first hymn.  I had to walk out with her and ended up snipping some of it out.  Just normal stuff for us Pughs.


  1. You saw a coyote driving to and from town? That is one smart coyote!

    1. Haha. :) Maybe it was Wile E. Coyote. He was pretty smart.

  2. So thankful this time was rich with good preaching, gorgeous scenery (and lodging, I hear) and sweet family/friend time.

    We're still adjusting to the time change, too.

    And - as always - I'm delightfully entertained by the "normal stuff" from the Pughs :)
