Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Thoughts EXACTLY

I've had a random C.S. Lewis quote in the back of my brain for the past few hours and have been searching my bookshelf and the internet trying to find it.  I haven't had much luck, but I found something far better, something I underlined in Surprised by Joy my freshman year of college.  Lewis expressed my thoughts and feelings exactly when he wrote this:

"For eating and reading are two pleasures that combine admirably.  
Of course not all books are suitable for mealtime reading.
It would be a kind of blasphemy to read poetry at table.
What one wants is a gossipy, formless book which can be opened anywhere."

Some of you will not understand this.  But some of you might.  I could never have said it like this, but I totally know what he's talking about.  I don't like to read my Bible while I'm eating, but give me a good insert your favorite gossipy and formless book here and I am one happy woman.  Why am I so surprised?  I just read on an earlier page, "Nothing, I suspect, is more astonishing in any man's life than the discovery that there do exist people very, very like himself."  I really love it when I meet those kind of people(even if it's in the pages of a book), don't you?


  1. yes! i am with you, sweet friend! kindred spirits we are indeed... just like Anne & Diana!
