Tuesday, March 31, 2020

March in the Days of Pandemic

It's been a weird month of feeling like an unseen enemy was slowly approaching.  March began with me already taking precautions because of COVID-19.  I started avoiding public transportation, skipping out on public places with lots of tourists, and I made some extra visits to the grocery store.  I felt a lot of relief when Macron announced schools would be closing because it felt like we all had permission to take this seriously now.  

We already work and school from home so not A LOT has changed for us.  We already have routines in place that serve us well.  There is the added challenge that we are now all ALWAYS here, but I think we've all been cooperative about stopping our Internet use so K.J. can have virtual work meetings and record podcasts.  He climbs the wooden ladder to the attic when he needs to work without interruption.  Normally, he's out of the house working about three days a week, and I can feel the difference of having him here every day.  He and James now spend time every day in the garden throwing a football, and he frequently washes dishes.

I am so thankful we have Noreen's beautiful garden!  Being quarantined would be so much harder without it.  

So we are continuing our rhythm of life, as we wait and pray for those whose lives have been upended and those who are working so hard to help.  James opens the living room windows every night at 8 p.m. to applaud the health workers with several others on our street.  The clapping begins, and one neighbor starts playing music loudly so it spills into the street.  A few moments later all is eerily quiet once more as we retreat back into our homes.

March 1 - Sunday Night Gaming

March 2 - My Favorite Pea and Leek Soup

March 3 - P.E. in the Park

March 4 - Daffodils and a Walk with a Friend

March 5 - The trees will be full of new leaves by the time I walk there again.

March 6 - The returning leaves on the willow tree is my favorite part of spring.

March 7 - Our town's houses have bright and happy shutters.

March 8 - Sunday Night Tower

March 9 - Neighborhood Cherry Blossoms

March 10 - Ella painted a book cover on canvas as a birthday present for a friend.

March 11 - Picnic with the Tate Family

March 13 - Started a Corona-Family Read Aloud

March 14 - a Jell-O Pudding Pie for Pi Day

March 15 - Daisies

March 16 - A Spring Break Morning

March 17 - Walk through Town before the Lockdown

March 18 - Afternoon Tea with Noreen

March 19 - School-Reading and Fort-Building

March 20 - Sweetest Robin outside My Window

March 21 - I walked 1.8 miles in circles around the garden on this day.

March 22 - The New Sunday Sermon Set-Up

March 23 - We're spending A LOT of time noticing the life outside our windows.

March 24 - E and I love the sun shining through the willow.

March 25 - A Bird that is Not a Robin!

March 26 - Read-Aloud in the Sun

March 27 - Bedtime Selfies

March 28 - Virtual Literary Society

March 29 - Gingerbread Spice Oatmeal

March 30 - Why am I the only one in my family who loves queso?

March 31 - Virtual Home Group

May the Lord bless and keep you all.


  1. What a lovely month you all have had,,,the pics,the wonderful stories that bring you right into my Den,,,stay well,my loves,,,I just keep praying this in-seen enemy will be put to rest,,love you all,,,

    1. Yes, we all do! Stay home and stay well! :)
