Saturday, March 28, 2020

Our Daily Bread

There are many different ways people are experiencing quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  One of my experiences that is happy and meaningful to me is having a truly thankful heart for daily food.  

In an effort to stay inside as much as possible, I've spent a lot more time in the kitchen, taking stock of what items need to be used first and making sure we actually eat our leftovers instead of letting them grow mold in the refrigerator.  This reminds me of something I saw on Pinterest once.  I have gone way past the time I would usually go before going to the grocery store to re-stock.  Like many of you, I usually go shopping when we're out of people's favorite things, not when we're genuinely out of food.  

trying out some new canned goods

I am amazed every day when I manage to produce three more meals for my family.  My freezer and pantry feel like the jar that kept producing oil for the widow in 2 Kings 4.  My cupboards are barer than they've ever been, and each night when I bring my plate of food to the table, I say, "Thank you God for this food," and feel grateful in a way I've never felt before now.


  1. Isn’t it amazing how GOD gives us the ability to use the things he has provided in ways we normally would not even think about,,,I hope you k.j. And kids are doing well,I had to laugh at the way BIG DADDY stepped up to the plate and gave all the g-kids a way to get their excerise in,,,looked like fun,,,,

    1. Yes! It was so funny, and the kids loved it. :)
