Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Thanksgiving in Boroughbridge

I know everyone is fully into Christmas now, but I'm dragging behind with blogging.  We are still working out what our daily and weekly routines look like, and any free time I've had has been spent in organizing and finding things for our new home and after weeks of upheaval, trying to give the kids a more regular school schedule.  They were just thrilled that we had school every day last week.  But then, James actually was pretty happy about it.  He hasn't yet learned that children are obligated to complain about school.  Yesterday he said cheerfully, "I like school!"

Like so many of you, I'm sure, we had two Thanksgivings this year, beginning on Thursday with the de la Hoyde family.  You can feel introduced to Laura now!

We had a really lovely evening, in which I asked Del to do the honors (or should I say honours?) of reading to the kids about the first Thanksgiving.  The kids were pretty into it.

We were only six days into living in Capstick Cottage at this point, so things are not looking quite so bare now.  But you really don't need a fully decorated house or pictures in all of your frames to have a thankful heart, and our hearts were feeling really thankful.  It was one year ago last week that we had our first Skype call with Del.

I think KJ is selling the virtues and benefits of the kids' table in the above picture.  Only well-behaved boys and girls get to sit at the kids' table.  Otherwise you have to sit with the adults where the conversation will be very boring indeed.

You don't need pictures in your frames, just lots of food and a place to sit, right?  And candles.  Don't forget the candles.

We actually had two little boys for whom blowing out the candles was the highlight of the night.

On Saturday we had three other families from our church over for dinner.  Sweet Potato Casserole covered in marshmallows was probably the dish which caused the most surprise for everyone.  "So this is a main dish?"

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