Thursday, August 23, 2012

Busy Days

Lately I find myself working hard from dawn to dusk.  Is that what I'm supposed to be doing?  Probably.  Between teaching Ella, disciplining and parenting both she and James, keeping up with my new housekeeping schedule, and planning for Ella's birthday party (as well as normal stuff like talk to my husband, exercise, shower, fix meals, grocery shop, etc.) life has been BUSY.  Good but busy.  And fun...because Hillary's back in town!  That needed to be said.  Also, it's back to school for college students, and KJ has several events this week related to that.

So...Ella's birthday party?  For the first half of the year she wanted a Tangled party, but for the past couple of months she switched to Brave.  KJ and I took her to see the movie in June, and we've been listening to the soundtrack, and we got excited about doing it.  Back in the day I probably would have bought Brave cups and plates from Wal-Mart and been done with it, but this is Ella's first party to invite friends to, and I decided to do some looking around on Pinterest for some party ideas, and WHAM-BAM.  We are planning quite the fete. (We hope.)

Lest you think I'm the parent getting carried away, let's just say KJ scored a kilt at college Bible study last night.  I mentioned to him about how it would be fun if he were dressed up, and he said he'd ask the college students if any of them had a kilt.  "You think someone will have a kilt?"  "Definitely."  He was right.  I'm excited, but my mind is spinning.  I'm also trying to pull together Ella's annual birthday party video, which is a little harder this year with James' new activity level.  Plus, you moms know how you sit down to do something, and then everyone needs clean underwear, cup re-fills, snacks, etc.  

All of the above was said because I was really hoping to have more time this morning to edit more pictures of Haddon, but since the whirlwind of the day is beginning, I think I got through three more pictures.  Here's some Pugh preciousness, though.

Now the day can begin.


  1. Pugh preciousness, indeed. My goodness.

    And oh, how I wish we could be attending the Brave party to celebrate our Ella! (I do hope to attain a copy of her 6th year dvd . . . which I know you'll produce with excellence - despite the distractions - as always! And, no doubt, it will be added to our "favorites" list, along with the others :))

    K.J. and a kilt! I'm so glad you always have your camera on hand :)

    1. I wish you could, too! You will definitely receive a birthday video. :)

  2. What's the new housekeeping schedule? Is that where you set a timer and clean as much as you can until it goes off? Also, baby Haddon is just precious. Love all that blond hair.

    1. Setting the timer is effective, but this kind of focused my energy more. One of my friends summarized some things from The Fly Lady's book ( that I've been following. Things have stayed really clean. I can e-mail it to you.
