Thursday, March 6, 2014

Fun with Caleb

My mom kept my nephew this week, and on Monday the kids and I went for a visit and a little cousin playtime.  I brought a collection of farm animals with us that doesn't get played with very often around here.  Little Caleb tore right into the bucket of toys.

Of course a toy is never fully explored until you put it in your mouth.

Caleb had some really cute Legoes that Ella enjoyed putting together and setting up wildlife scenes with.  She always enjoys playing with her younger cousins.

James chased Caleb up and down the hallway, and then they had an ice cream break.

I also brought Caleb a hat that was too small for James.  I thought he would just take it off his head immediately, but he seemed really proud of it.  He even strung together a bunch of sounds that sounded very much like, "I gotta hat."  It wasn't just me; we all heard it.

It was a fun afternoon at Debbo's house.


  1. Love this. Thank you for doing it I know it takes time. Ella's toothless grin is priceless!

  2. and a wonderful time was had by all,,,,
