Thursday, June 4, 2020

May in France, A Slow Deconfinement

With all of the events going on in the world writing my monthly picture-a-day blog post completely slipped my mind.  I'm posting it a few days later because I love looking back at these daily pictures.  

May 1 - A cake to celebrate 50 days in quarantine 

I can already scarcely believe we did this.  The kids and I did not leave home, only K.J.

May 3 - The First Yellow Rose in the Garden

May 4 - Ella did some drawings for Star Wars day.

Can you tell the words are in the shape of the Death Star?

May 5 - Noreen loves her rhododendrons and laments the flowers only last three weeks.

May 6 - The rose bush outside our front window is a grace.  

I love the reflections of the roses across the courtyard in the window.

May 7 - This poem cracked us up, and I think we'll be singing it for a long time.

May 8 - I spent every morning of the lock down taking a picture of the front of our house, marking the growth of the ivy.

May 9 - Birthday Brunch for Noreen

May 10 - Noreen received a new birdbath for her birthday, and we were admiring it.

May 11 - Ripening Cherries in the Evening Light

May 12 - A Good Mail Day

I got confirmation of a subscription for my anniversary, and our checks from the American government arrived in France.

May 13 - I've been enjoying taking walks outside our garden walls now that we can go without filling out paperwork; everyone's roses are in bloom.

May 14 - The roses blooming in front of this house make the view pretty idyllic.

May 15 - Our town's Greek restaurant opened for takeaway, but I wasn't really sure how to order food by the kilogram.

May 16 - I learned on a walk with K.J. that you can also see the tip of the Eiffel Tower from our town.

May 17 - Another Walk, Another Rose

May 18 - I don't get tired of taking pictures of the buildings in our town and their colorful shutters and perfect symmetry.

May 19 - It's outdoor eating season in France.

As soon as the temperatures warm up here people are picnicking and eating outside.  We don't naturally have this habit, growing up in Alabama where not only is it hot and humid, mosquitoes are a big deterrent.  The first summer we lived here we did have a lot of mosquitoes, but last summer wasn't so bad.

May 20 - J and I found some well-built dens in the forest.

May 21 - I discovered Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry were Wooster and Jeeves.

May 22 - Anniversary Bike Ride

May 23 - Bedtime

May 24 - Sunday Takeaway

All the birds came from far and wide to gather cherries on this Sunday.  

May 25 - A Walk in the Woods with Friends with a Dog

May 26 - Socially Distanced Front Yard Visits 

May 27 - I went on a walk with E, and she pointed out the beautiful ivy on the park wall.  

Our park re-opens June 6, and I'm very excited!

May 28 - Layers of Color

I've spent a big portion of this season at home garden-watching.  

May 29 - LEGO mini-figures are a delight.

May 30 - Evening Walk

May 31 - I went to the store for the first time since March 13.  

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