Monday, June 15, 2020

A little child shall lead them.

One of the hopes of Emmanuel International Church in meeting together in the parks around Paris this summer is that we might be a blessing to those we encounter in the city while we're not meeting in a building.  Speaking English in the middle of France can often lend itself to impromptu conversations with strangers.  It occurs to me this morning that God may have answered that prayer in our group last night in an unexpected way.

It was so exciting to see people again in person yesterday afternoon after months of Zoom calls, and I especially enjoyed seeing the kids reunite.  One little boy in particular is the most joy-filled, exuberant little fellow I have ever met, and he rushed up to greet us excitedly when he arrived at the little spot we claimed in a park near the Eiffel Tower.

All around La Tour Eiffel there are men selling miniature Eiffel Tower replicas in several sizes.  They approach everyone who meets their eyes and some who don't to try to sell a key chain for un euro.  They spend their days selling some, being rejected a lot (much more now I imagine without tourists in the city due to COVID-19), and packing up in a hurry if law enforcement tells them to clear out.  It can't be fun.  Many of these men are from Northern Africa and beyond, far from home and family.

Last night as our church family gathered on picnic blankets, I looked up to see a man walk to the center of our group.  Before anyone could say, "Non, merci." to his offerings, this 3-year-old boy ran straight to him with a huge smile and joyful laughter, wrapping his little arms around this big man's knees, and looked up at him with shining eyes.   The man smiled in surprise and immediately dropped his offerings on the ground and dug out a key chain to give as a gift, free of charge.  To this little boy, this stranger was one of the family, deserving of a happy welcome, and after a day of rejections, I can't help but think that adorable hug and grin was a highlight.

I think I'm going to bring some extra euros to church in the park next week.  Everyone needs a miniature Eiffel Tower or two.


  1. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could all see one another through the eyes of a child,,with no pre-conceived ideas of what a person is like,,,I miss you ,but I love ❤️ 💕 walking through your days with you,thanks to your blog,,,love you sweet girl,,,

    1. I agree! And I miss you, too. Thank you for walking through the days with us from afar!
