Friday, April 24, 2020

Confined Like an Anglican Washed Ashore

Literature and history have many examples of people living in confinement, and I was reminded of a quote from a recent favorite that is a perfect confinement novel.  A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles tells the story of a Russian count sentenced to confinement in a hotel by a Bolshevik tribunal.  Instead of remaining a guest there, he becomes a prisoner; if he leaves he'll be shot.  I loved the Count's thoughts shortly after his sentencing.

“Having acknowledged that a man must master his circumstances or otherwise be mastered by them, the Count thought it worth considering how one was most likely to achieve this aim when one had been sentenced to a life of confinement.

For Edmond Dantès in the Château d’If, it was thoughts of revenge that kept him clear minded.  Unjustly imprisoned, he sustained himself by plotting the systematic undoing of his personal agents of villainy.  For Cervantes, enslaved by pirates in Algiers, it was the promise of pages as yet unwritten that spurred him on.  While for Napoleon on Elba, strolling among chickens, fending off flies, and sidestepping puddles of mud, it was visions of a triumphal return to Paris that galvanized his will to persevere.
But the Count hadn’t the temperament for revenge; he hadn’t the imagination for epics; and he certainly hadn’t the fanciful ego to dream of empires restored.  No.  His model for mastering his circumstances would be a different sort of captive altogether:  an Anglican washed ashore.  Like Robinson Crusoe stranded on the Isle of Despair, the Count would maintain his resolve by committing to the business of practicalities.  Having dispensed with dreams of quick discovery, the world’s Crusoes seek shelter and a source of fresh water; they teach themselves to make fire from flint; they study their island’s topography, its climate, its flora and fauna, all the while keeping their eyes trained for sails on the horizon and footprints in the sand.” 

So how are you enduring your confinement?  Plotting revenge, planning future work and future triumphs, or like an Anglican washed ashore?  

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