Friday, June 8, 2018

Friday Favorites, vol. viii

This week I'm loving...

1.  long summer days 

We've not had much planned this week, and I started to feel a little twitchy about how relaxed I felt at one point.  But this is of course silly, especially considering that we're about to begin the moving process.  This will involve cleaning and home improvement projects and having all of our belongings delivered from England at last, so I leaned in to the slowness.

stopping to smell the proverbial roses,
which bloom all over Paris this time of year

My kids have enjoyed these draw-along- with-the-artist videos off and on for several years, and they literally drew and colored their creations for a good five hours yesterday.  Pokemon, Star Wars, and Phineas and Ferb characters abound in our home now.  It's a great indoor summer activity, and you can find even more videos on his YouTube channel.

Notice Ella is still "colouring," not "coloring."

3.  special treats

Finding "sugar free Mountain Dew" at the local British bookstore may be my favorite thing from the week.  I love Diet Mountain Dew, and you just can't find Mountain Dew very often in Europe, much less the diet version.  While this wasn't quite the same formula, it was citrus-y carbonated goodness on a hot day that made me so happy.  There were also a lot of exotic flavors of Coke Zero, including Mango.  In my overflowing joy about my Mountain Dew I let the kids choose something, too.  We all felt more energized for the walk home leaving the bookstore. 

May all your summer days be so pleasantly caffeinated.  How was your week? 


  1. I remember summer days biking to the Jet Pep for a Mt Dew and a candy bar. :) Sadly, I'm no longer a Dew drinker.

    1. How great was that life? I've avoided Diet drinks for awhile because of health reasons, but I don't like to completely not drink them because I hear you develop an aversion once you stop. And an aversion to the pleasure of a cold soft drinks sounds like a sad life.
