Friday, August 22, 2014

Franco Fridays: We're back!

Just being able to write, "Paris, Take 2," is such an incredible gift.  It also seems rather wild and crazy to have had the opportunity because in my everyday, normal life, there can be a run of days when I don't step one foot out of my door.  As I wrote yesterday, that's changing with James needing a nap less frequently, but with 5 years of my life spent rather homebound, the opportunity to go on trips with KJ still astounds me.  

We flew into Paris from Manchester with plans to meet up with our team that night.  One of the best parts of this trip was reconnecting with people we grew to know and love last year, and through God's kind providence we were able to spend some time with our friend Cedric at Charles de Gaulle.  We knew we weren't going to be able to see him in Paris that week because he had a summer job, but it so happened he was flying out to the Ukraine a few hours after we landed.  It was so great to see him and catch up for a little while.  He also helped us navigate buying our train tickets.

Hanging out with Cedric combined with train routes being a little funky because of strikes made us about a hour late meeting Parker and Cedric's brother, Yann.  I stepped out of the darkness of the Metro into the beautiful dusk of Paris for just a moment before we enjoyed a quick fine dining experience at McDonald's, KJ and Parker headed to Polyglot, and Yann escorted me to the church where I was able to see our team before turning in for the night.  It had been a long day for us all, but we were excited about the week ahead.

P.S.  Nothing makes me wish I packed lighter like carrying a 50 pound suitcase up and down stairs in the Metro.

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