Friday, August 21, 2020

Five Quotes vol. xvi

Baggins Book Bazaar in Rochester, England

I spent several days this past week doing one of my favorite things:  adding to my book collection by visiting second-hand bookshops like the one pictured above.  K.J. booked our typical off-season September trip to England back in July, but as the UK began adding various European countries back to a list of places requiring a two-week quarantine we began to feel the September trip might not happen.  We decided very spur-of-the-moment to just go for a shorter, unplanned trip, feeling that would be better than no trip at all.  

We felt pretty safe doing it as we take the ferry and can stay in the open air whilst traveling, and we knew we could enjoy a lot in a socially-distanced way.  All the other elements that needed to line up worked, so we did it, and we're glad we did.  And now I have a huge new stack of books to form my TBR for the rest of 2020.

"Sidney hated the phrase 'with respect.'  It always meant the opposite.
- Sidney Chambers and the Shadow of Death, James Runcie

"Undergraduates, especially those in their first year, are not, of course, quite sane or quite adult.  It is sometimes considered that they are not quite human."
- Death on the Cherwell, Mavis Doriel Hay

"In a world so full of beautiful things, it seems a pity that one has got to talk about Mr. Frisby's gastric juices, but it is the duty of the historian to see life steadily and see it whole."
- Big Money, P.G. Wodehouse

"It was, he perceived, a day for joy and adventure and romance."
- Big Money, P.G. Wodehouse

"Really, Paterson, I am at my wit's end about Anne."

Mr. Frisby grunted again, this time to indicate the opinion that she had not had to travel far."
- Big Money, P.G. Wodehouse

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