Saturday, February 29, 2020

Leap Month

The days and weeks meld together in my mind, and this month, once again, I'm thankful for the ritual of compiling a photo from each day because it reminds me of all the happy moments in the midst of the ordinary routines of life.  Looking at the pictures from this month I'm most struck by how much time I spent outside even though the outside has mostly been rainy, windy, cold, and muddy.  

February 1 - I continuously wish I had the confidence to just leave my car in non-parking spots like this intrepid woman at the movie theater.

February 2 - View from the Steps of the Panthéon

February 3 - Notice the small things.

February 4 - Morning has often brought our only glimpse of blue skies before the rain comes in for the remainder of the day.

February 5 - A Muddy and High River Seine

“One of the features of a Paris winter was the annual rise of the Seine.  
This provided a flood of conversation whenever talk lagged anywhere,
 any time, between December and April.”
- Elliot Paul, The Last Time I Saw Paris -

February 6 - Super Smash Brothers with Friends

February 7 - Different countries have different Coca-cola flavors, and I like this one.

February 8 - I took a picture at a stoplight, because I love the church that looks out over St. Cloud.

February 9 - Church Greeting Team

February 10 - Snowdrops at Versailles

February 11 - Off for a Morning Jog

February 12 - I love the colors of these buildings lining the Seine.

February 13 - Valentine's Flowers from My Husband

February 14 - Valentine Swan Pastries

February 15 - This color scheme reminded me of the one in the Paris buildings, and it's on the street where we live.

February 16 - a library find

February 17 - Zoofari

February 18 - The sun makes all the difference.

February 19 - There are a lot of details to love in the houses in our town.  

February 20 - More Lovely Details

February 21 - A Jane Austen Movie Night with Ari

February 22 - The wooden ceiling of the church at Saint Germain-en-Laye

February 23 - I'm so thankful for these friends in our kids' lives.

February 24 - Beautiful Colors, Beautiful Blossoms

February 25 - Sharing a Costco Sundae, cheapest dinner in town

February 26 - Glimpses of Sunshine and Plants that Need to be Watered

February 27 - MagnaTile Car Creation

February 28 - At the end of the day, we unwind with June and Ward Cleaver.

It strikes me that the items in the above picture are a good snapshot of our current life:  a read-aloud, the Rubik's Cube that E can now solve in a minute, the kalimba and notebook where she records how to play songs, the Nintendo Switch, James's Bible under the TV, and Leave it to Beaver, where we get a lot of solid parenting advice.

February 29 - We have a busy day ahead on this extra day of 2020, but for the sake of posting this before the activities begin, I was really happy to find this hardback on clearance at the Paris W.H. Smith.  

I hope your Leap Day is filled with a little extra magic and fun.


  1. Love your Dailey activities,,and my extra day for the month will take me to weight watchers and then to see my friend LOTTIE as she is a leap year baby and it’s her birthday 🎂,,,,she doesn’t know me anymore but I love and miss her sweet friendship,,,but I know her and I can love on her even if she doesn’t remember me,,,Alzheimer’s is such a devastating disease,robs people of a life of sharing and loving,,,please pray for my friend as. It breaks my heart to realize she can’t communicate with me anymore,,,,love you sweet girl,,,thank you for the blog,,,love it,,,

    1. I didn't know Lottie was a Leap Day baby. I know it's so hard watching her not know you. <3
