Monday, February 10, 2020

Bolton Abbey

When we lived in England we were constantly seeing new-to-us beautiful places, and I was constantly taking 200 pictures of said beautiful places; thus, I have a lot of pictures I never had time to review and pick out my favorites.  These were taken on a day out in the Yorkshire Dales near Skipton in February 2016.

It was the half-term break from school, and we went to Billy Bob's Parlour for authentic American cuisine with some good friends.  It is THE place for pancakes and bacon with maple syrup, there are great play areas for kids, and the views are incredible.

These sheep look really different from other breeds in North Yorkshire to me, but I can't figure out which breed they are.  Maybe it's just all the hair on their heads that's making it hard to tell.

We always combined our trips to Billy Bob's with a walk around Bolton Abbey.  It's close by, and on this day in particular I couldn't get over how stunning the location is and mentally applauded those that chose this location for building a priory back in 1154.  Can you just imagine the quiet, beautiful, sheltered life this would have been?  

I thought 2016 J and E were doing some Ninjago Spinjitzu moves here, but they just informed me they were playing at secret agents who had to make it up the hill by sundown.

Ever-changing skies are a constant in North Yorkshire.  Very often in the winter it would be grey all day and then turn absolutely glorious just in time for the sun to set.

As you can see from the view from above, my secret agents are making it up the hill.

They made it!  And then we went back down again.

These walks always brought me a lot of joy, and the drive home wasn't bad either.

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