Friday, September 23, 2011

On Reading

This girl is awesome.

She really is.

She is thriving at school.
You should listen to her read.

It would probably sound like ordinary Kindergarten reading to someone else,
but to the one who has been with her since her first coo,
it is amazing to my ears.

Now that she's learning to read, I think I might actually have a "T.V. time limit"
during the day.  I don't want her to miss out on what I had as a child.
If she wants to, she can have many adventures in the land of imagination.

By the looks of this book, could you hazard a guess at how many times
my mom and I have read it since 1989?  
I love that my grandmother gave me nice copies of the classics.
It was a Christmas tradition, and those books are treasured friends.

One of my favorite inscriptions

It's never too early to buy a child you know a classic.
I was just 7 Christmas of 1989 when my mom started reading
Anne of Green Gables aloud to me...and then she stayed up late at night
and finished it without me.  It was so unfair.
But now I'm the mom, and I get to stay up late at night, so it all comes around, I guess.


  1. Favorite post yet? Well, that's hard to decide, but I do know I loved it. That last inscription is amazing!

    I miss you.

  2. I, too, love everything about this post. Sweet Ella, sweet memories, and so many more to be made!

    I miss you, too :)

    Oh, and David has been reading "The Hobbit" to JD before bed (thank you, Uncle K.J., for the LotR intro). Yes, let the adventures begin!! :)
