Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Thank You to Mom

Now that I am a mother I have the capacity to really appreciate all the things my mother did, and she has done even more than me because she had double the number of children I have now.  So, I feel a list coming on.  Thank you, Mom, for:

  1. Changing a million-zillion diapers.
  2. Answering the question, "why?" a million-zillion times.
  3. Rocking and cuddling, singing and laughing.
  4. Nursing and preparing meals.
  5. Teaching us manners and what is right.
  6. Getting us all ready for church.
  7. Reading stories.
  8. Teaching me to read and love books.
  9. Washing my clothes all the way through college.
  10. Ironing with excellence.
  11. Not letting me quit piano lessons.
  12. Making me dresses.
  13. Helping me with my homework (and sometimes doing it).
  14. Loving my daddy.
  15. Cleaning up after all our messes.
  16. Getting up in the middle of the night.
  17. Bringing things to school that I forgot.
  18. Sending me cards in the mail when I was in college.
  19. Planning my wedding.
  20. Fixing meals and cleaning my house after I had my babies.
  21. Loving my children.
  22. Always, always being there to love and serve and fix things.  I love you, Mom!
I will save the list for another day, but I love my sweet mother-in-law, too, and I'm so blessed to have her close by.  Thank you, T., for loving me and making me your daughter and for all the countless ways you have loved and served me.  

I was so encouraged by my father-in-law's sermon this morning.  Mothering and keeping the home is sometimes such an under-appreciated work.  It does take so much time, planning and effort to do it well.  This post is going to have to end prematurely because my son just spit up on me.  Here's to motherhood!  What a joy and privilege!


1 comment:

  1. The thank yous were precious and it truly is a
    privilege to Mother you and all the boys. The reality is the end of your post. To have and keep a fun sense of humor about life, because sometimes you will get spit up on! I love you sweet James!!
