Sunday, May 2, 2010

7 Months Today

Today my precious son, James, is 7 months old.  I can hardly believe it.  I feel like his babyhood is nearly gone, and the feeling is exacerbated by the fact that he is already the size Ella was at around 13 months.  He is such a big, little man.  So, here are the momentous things recorded in his baby book this month:

  1. He got his second tooth.
  2. He learned to sit up on his own.
  3. He ate yogurt.
  4. He learned to wave, "hey."
  5. He went to Sunday School for the first time.
  6. He learned to chew, eating "puffs" and teething biscuits.
  7. He loves jumping in the Exersaucer.
We love our sweet baby James and pray that he would continue to grow and be all God would have him be.

1 comment:

  1. We love you, baby James!! You are so precious to all of us. And what a handsome young man indeed :)
