Thursday, February 2, 2017

January Thanksgivings

For this month's day-by-day I thought I'd turn it into a way to be thankful, which is really what the recording of daily pictures has always been about for me, but to be more explicit, in January 2017 I am thankful for...

1.  Seeing family at Christmas

2.  Beauty above the Clouds

3.  A Peaceful Return to Boroughbridge

4.  Winter Sunsets so Early in the Day

5.  Laughing with friends on Instagram about the horrors of picky eaters

7.  Embracing winter and lighting more fires

8.  Having church family over to celebrate KJ's birthday with an assortment of games

9.  Having a child who still likes setting up a shop/office like Ella used to do (also, James's knack for mixing and matching pajamas)

10.  Kids who are friends and enjoy each other most of the time

12.  The mystifying way it stays cloudy all day in an English winter, but then the sun comes out in all her glory for the sunset, reminding us she's still there

13.  Pretty new journals for fresh starts (Now it's just making the time for all those dreams and aspirations...)

14.  When the sun shines brightly, revealing the glory of God all around

15.  This Girl:  and watching her down that entire burger like it ain't no thang

16.  that he still fits in the buggy

17.  finding a job for E to do in the kitchen that works for my "control everything" mindset (I find it so hard to give her more freedom in the kitchen sometimes!)

18.  Leftover Taco Tuesday in a bowl

20.  making some forward progress on a chair re-covery project and friends who make that progress happen

21.  Girl Time

22.  Sun on a Sunday Morning

23.  the benefits of cooking a big meal on Sunday, including not having to cook on Monday night

24.  the promise of spring even when the ground is at its most frozen

25.  Birthday flowers hanging on and making the sunshine look good

26.  birthday celebrations

27.  the encouragement it gave E to be awarded the Effort Shield

28.  that sun again (it always feels photo-worthy)

29.  the beauty of this scene

30.  watching him write to Kung Fu Fighting

What caused you to stop and give thanks in January?

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