Thursday, January 24, 2013


Today is homecoming day.  KJ and Ella are coming home this morning.  When we sent Ella off to spend the night with grandparents last Wednesday night, we had no idea it would turn into a week-long absence.  Likewise, KJ went to work last Thursday morning, and that was the day the flu hit me so hard.  I packed him a bag and told him he couldn't come back home because this was so awful.  

So a full-week later James has been fever-free for 2 days, and I have been fever-free for 1, and I'm going to do one last sweep of the house with a can of Lysol, and perhaps life will return to normal.

Maybe I will even leave my house?  I haven't left it in 9 days.  It might be kind of hard to return to normal life...

My view of last week's snow

But I'm ready to be with my husband again, not just talk to him from a distance through the open front door.  I'm ready to hug Ella and teach her about WWII and plant our bean plant that is sky-high in a paper cup right now.  I'm so thankful it's homecoming day.

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