Thursday, December 6, 2012

Dear KJ

Yesterday was a really good and productive day.  I was tired by the end of it, but was good.  

Today has been pretty good, but if I hear James ask, "What do you want me to do?" in a whiney voice one more time...let's just say that's kind of wearisome. 

We took a 30-minute walk around the neighborhood this morning, and he burned off a lot of energy.  He ran for about 10 minutes non-stop, and he was so cute I wanted to record it for you.  He took a little convincing to start running again, though.

In other James news, he wrote his name all by himself today!  I was so proud.

Ella is continuing to study about how flowers grow, and we did a fun project.  

She did a great job labeling all the flower parts, and then we decided to get up close and personal with our second-to-last petunia.

 Stamen and Pollen
I hope it doesn't make us sick.

Ella also had fun examining the flower parts through her magnifying glass.  Afterwards we played some games involving synonyms and adjectives.  Your little first grader is so smart.