Sunday, December 12, 2010

Into the Wardrobe

KJ and I are both unashamed fans of C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia.  We're looking forward to going to the theater on Wednesday night to see the newest movie installment.  KJ sat down last night to watch The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and Ella sat down with him.  She, of course, has not yet seen the movie or heard the story.  After a while she ran to her room and brought back a book she had gotten in a kid's meal from Chick-Fil-A.  It was so sweet answering her questions.

"Who is Aslan?"

"He's a lion.  He's good."

Best of all was when she was pouring over the map of Narnia in her books.  For those of you who know KJ, he loves maps.  He studies them.  So it was perfectly precious last night for her to ask KJ, "How did they get into Narnia?  Which way did they go?"

"We might even ask, with C.S. Lewis, 'What then is the good of--what is even the defence for--occupying our hearts with stories of what never happened...?  Or of fixing our inner eye earnestly on things that can never exist...?'  Are our excursions into the imaginary world of the arts frivolous?  Or are they indispensable to our well-being?  Are they an escape, or a doorway to reality?"

Leland Ryken, The Liberated Imagination