Monday, August 2, 2010

Phonics Fun

It is always so amazing to me the way children learn, especially young children.  I remember teaching Ella her colors and the amazement I felt when she actually remembered them.  Teaching a baby something mostly involves just pointing and speaking, so it's so astonishing when they start recognizing them, too.  Ella watched Baby Einstein dvds constantly as a baby, and one day we were outside, and she walked up to a flower and made the sign for it.  It makes your day as a parent.  As my father would say (quoting the Genie in Aladdin), "She can be taught!"

KJ and I have been working on letter sounds with Ella a lot lately.  When you first start trying to teach something new, it seems like it's so complicated for them to understand.  Not the letter sounds exactly but understanding the question, "Do you hear the sound at the beginning of the word."  She doesn't know what the phrase, "beginning of the word" means.  But today we were working on some of the Phonics pages in her workbook, and she was doing amazing.  She was answering every question correctly, but the best part was when she went to talk to James in his crib when he woke up from his nap.  We had just done a page on the letter B, and she walked in his room as she usually does, saying, "Hey, buddy!"  Then she came running back in the kitchen, "Buddy starts with the letter B!"  She was so excited, and so was I.  She spoke the word and heard the sound.  I was one proud, phonics-loving mama.

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